It has been a winter to remember this January. But we made it through. Hopefully we shoveled the last snow for the season because the groundhog did say it would be an early spring. Snow is magical at first, but after too many snow storms we all got cabin fever and the magic of snow wore off and it looked like January might never end. We survived with a snow hiking adventure, artwork- messy and pretty, a new discovery of the love of puzzles, dinner parties, Jefferson's 1st friends birthday party, and just a little baking. Winter has had its fun moments but we do look forward to sunshine days. Brad started teaching at UVU this January and has entertained us with dinner conversation about world history. Teaching seems to be like breathing for him.
Jefferson's art...
Mama's art
Love the balloons at the birthday party
Jefferson is almost 15 months and fun as ever. He is starting to really understand our daily routines. He knows when it is time to clean up and will help put toys away, He knows when it is dinner time and how to knock on Daddy's office door to get him for dinner,. He knows when it is Sesame Street time and that is mama's puzzle time. He knows what naptime, bedtime, and "no" mean. And for the most part though he doesn't like it he follows directions when he is told "no." The child developmental specialist is coming out in me and I am creating all sorts of sensory table centers. Our favorite so far is whipped cream finger paints. He still just communicated with ba, ma, da, and babbles- and he has the more and all done signs down very well. He is really liking pushing his car stroller and moves so fast it is hard to get a good picture, so these are priceless.