Saturday, February 1, 2025

January 2025

We started off the New Year in St. George with some friends- good food, games, a ninja park, and checking out some red rock was on the agenda. When we got to the crack, just the boys and Mary made it through. We found a real ghost town, played pickle ball with a sunset, and finally tried Sweet Rolled Tacos. It was our first "long" road trip in our new car and everyone was quite comfortable- enjoying music and trivia games. So successful, we might end up doing more road trips in the future. During another one of Jefferson's bday parties, Carter chose a mama date to get froyo- mostly candy with a little ice cream (every child's dream). In St. George the boys were introduced to the show The Floor is Lava, and so they had to make multiple courses in our basement. They also played many rounds of laser tag and nerf wars with their guns- so grateful for the basement. Mary and Mom Jefferson had an opera date, this time Hansel & Gretel which was just so beautiful. We had lots of jammy wrestling couch potato days, and Bella established a new morning routine of finding the sunshine on the couch and moving with it. On MLK weekend we played pickleball and more games, and bowling- a pivotal moment in Dennis family history because Mary finally beat Brad. We checked out the Stars game and Carter made us laugh when we left and he said "it's just so sad, so sad the Stars lost." And we ended January with celebrating the Lunar New Year at Shanghai discussing the highlights of 2024 and our goals for the new year. Brad- balance on a handstand, Mary- put together a set list of duets with Brad, Jefferson- kick an air ball consistently in soccer, Carter- play basket ball with Brad and Jefferson.