Sunday, August 24, 2014

July 2014

July was a month of celebration, anticipation, and big decisions. The 4th of July was a weekend celebration with hiking, festivals, and the Stadium of Fire. Carrie Underwood came again this year and it was fabulous. Our favorite thing every year is seeing the parachuters come into the stadium with the flags- never fails to be amazing. July was also a month of lots of hiking. Our goal was every week, and then Mary got the horrendous 2 week cold that was going around so hiking was on hiatus. We did manage to be 15 year olds at seven peaks a few times this month. There is just something about a water park that brings out the 15 year old kid in everyone. Brad's big accomplishment was making it over the yellow slide and Mary still reigns champion in the green slide race- 2 years now! July was a big decision making month because Brad decided to take a hiatus from academia (though he does love teaching) and pursue a job with his skill set doing international business. His rational was academia is always still an option but taking a chance in business and learning a new skill set would be a great growing experience at this point in his life. Because of this decision we decided to put our condo on the market and prepare to move wherever he got a job. He was looking at jobs across the country and out of the country. A week after we put our condo on the market he officially accepted a job here in salt lake with Washakie Renewable energy (a growing company wanting to expand into lots of countries including Turkey). Our condo is under contract and we are under contract for our new home. If all goes accordingly we will be moving September 13. "A change is a brewin."