Monday, July 16, 2018

June 2018

This June we awaited our new addition by trying to pass time with our usual activities.  Lots of swimming, playing at the park, trips to “the Park City” and Gardner village, rides on trains and trolleys, and taking care of our yard.  Jefferson is becoming a little fish and is super excited to jump in the pool, get his head wet, blow bubbles, and swim to the edge.  He also is loving races with dada on his bike around the park each night.  The end of June after a fun-filled day at “the Park City”, after a 2:00am surprise water-break, our new little man joined our family.  His name is Carter Nabeel Dennis, 5 pounds 12 ounces.  Little guy but just adorable.  We are thankful for all of the amazing nurses and doctors who helped us get his glucose levels up and cure his jaundice at Riverton Hospital.  We are all so in love with our little Carter.