Sunday, January 8, 2017

December 2016

December was full of "pretty lights" as our little Jefferson kept pointing out. "Mama pretty lights mama." We started the season with decorating our tree and then went for the 1st time to South Jordan's "Light the Night" event and met Santa Claus. Jefferson watched how other kids went and sat on his lap and when his turn came- no tears at all just a magical wonder. We told Jefferson Santa represents the spirit of Christmas.  

We visited the elves at Gardner Village and did some shopping- our yearly tradition.

We watched a corny Hallmark movie and laughed hysterically as we tried to guess the next corny line. Pop pop showed Jefferson the Christmas train. All of the boys had fun playing with the electric train under the tree.

We had a few family music nights and took turns playing an instrument. Jefferson played songs on the piano and guitar. He is getting really good at taking turns and now insists- "mama's turn, dada's turn."

We enjoyed our annual Jefferson cultural event. This time seeing the giant gingerbread house at the Grand America, getting a "fast food" dinner which was anything but fast, and then seeing the lights at Temple Square. Jefferson loved finding the penguins in the displays. He kept pointing out "penguin mama penguin."

We made gingerbread houses with Pop pop and Grandma J. Brad's surprising artistic ability came out this year and Pop pop helped Jefferson make a gingerbread train.

We made our annual Christmas cookies with Marce and Kara. Brad made us a delicious spaghetti dinner and then we had our annual Christmas singalong.

We delivered our cookies on a snowy night and visited lots of our friends. We were able to see this beautiful tree of life right by Grandpa Hebdon's grave.

Christmas Eve we caroled at an Alzheimers care center. We had a yummy chilli dinner (Great Grandpa Hebdon's recipe) and then our Happy Birthday Jesus celebration.

Christmas day started early with Brad shoveling a good 6 inches of snow and then getting to church. I sang en espanol with a trio "Oh Holy Night" and prayed (even recovering from a sinus infection) I could hit the high note- Christmas miracle and relief I did. We came home and had a Christmas brunch then opened presents. Jefferson LOVED his train. Brad loved his chess set. I loved my new shower head. And Jefferson's Adoption Story book put a tear in our eyes. We had a lovely Christmas luncheon with our Dennis family and spent time relaxing with them.

New Year's eve we taught Jefferson the art of bowling and arcading. He loved pushing the ball down the lane. We met up with Angie, Ryan, and Dixie and had a delicious dinner at Texas Roadhouse. It was super crowded but we called ahead and didn't have to wait too long. After dinner we took the party to our house and Ryan taught us how to play the Star Trek game.

Dixie slept over on new years eve and Jefferson loved playing train with her. Dixie went to church with us and then helped decorate our 3 Kings Day cake- complete with a foil wrapped coin.

Jefferson Amal is our independent 2 year old. He loves to start and end the day with books and songs. He loves rides from his dada and snuggles with his mama. He is wanting to learn new words and repeat them all the time- en espanol tambien. He loves elmo, the wheels on the bus, building blocks, beep beep beep, and trains. He loves to "go say hi dada" while he is working. He is saying no a lot more and will even say it with that oh so endearing 2 year old sass. Still a great eater and sleeper and always wanting to play. We love you Goose, McMonkey, Wee guy, and all the other names we call you.