Saturday, February 3, 2024

January 2024


January was highs and lows for this Dennis family. We had lots of highs playing with our Bella. It's amazing how fast she grows. She was 2 lbs when we got her and is now 4 lbs. Her favorite toy is the "always going to be too big for her" duck. The boys came up with a racing game with her that she loves and always wants to play. She also loves playing queen of the stairs and watching mama puzzle. The boys quickly realized Bella did not have a middle name so gave her the middle name Rina, so she is Bella Rina Dennis. We spent most of January with someone sick in our household- when someone would get better someone else would get sick. Jefferson and Carter also had cavities that needed to be filled, so we spent a few hours at the dentist office, Carter fell asleep in my arms and I had to get a pic, because how many more times will that happen with my five year old. The boys kept busy with their Christmas gifts- Jefferson with science experiments and Carter with his boxing guys and lego world. We had a few days where all of us were healthy and we tried to enjoy cozying in. We had fun with mama school activities for Carter. Snow week where we decorated snowflakes, painted snow, and went sledding with cousins. Eric Carl books week where Carter made a fire fly puppet and then the boys put on a puppet show for us. And Brad took the boys to the school math night. We had a few game nights with family and introduced Bella to everyone and got to spend time with our new cousin/niece Clara. Looking forward to a healthier 2024!