Sunday, January 2, 2022

December 2021

What a fun Christmas season we had! We started with making a list of all the things we wanted to do to celebrate Christmas. It was so much fun to write everyone's favorite traditions, movies, and new ways to celebrate the season. Christkindlmarkt was first up. We met up with Mom and Dad J. and enjoyed the music, lights, shops. and roasted nuts. We counted down for the city tree to shine it's lights, watched Santa lead the marching band parade, saw some amazing gingerbread houses, and did the candy window stroll during Light the Night. We had our annual fancy dinner at Little America and then saw the giant gingerbread house and took a train ride to see the lights and candy windows and biggest Christmas tree at the mall. For the Night of Giving the boys picked out gifts to give to Santa for children in need. Both Jefferson and Carter smiled and talked to Santa this year, fear of Santa is definitely over. Carter became our little drummer boy this year and made mobile drum sets he took all over the house. Jefferson got his first bulls eye with his bow and arrow from his birthday. Both grandparents came over to decorate a gingerbread house- directed by Jefferson. Jefferson was a shepherd in the Primary nativity. We played Santa's Elves again this year and picked out boots and gifts for a family in need. We made a kids felt Christmas tree all together for our craft this year. We took the boys ice skating for the first time and realized practice gliders were absolutely necessary. We had our cultural dinner and gift exchange with our Jefferson family, and this year celebrated Italian traditions. We had our first sledding adventure for the season and Mary sprained her MCL looking awesome while snowboarding on a sled- 30 seconds of glory was not worth it. Jefferson put together his fridge robot by himself because mama was sore- just needed some help with the wiring when dada got home. We visited Grandma Great for a night of scrabble and piano duets. Jefferson went to the the movies for the first time in 3 years with his little friend Carly. Carter loved his Don't Break the Ice game. We advented each night of December with chocolates and our light the world chain. Aunt Marce came over for our annual cookie making and singalong. Jefferson played the guitar and keyboard and Carter was on percussion. Brad had some special guitar numbers as well. We checked out Zoo lights and got hailed on. Jefferson said "dada why is the rain poking my face." Christmas eve was with our Jefferson family - bells, nativity, and happy birthday Jesus. We ended the night at home with The Night Before Christmas story, putting Santa's cookies on a plate and then off to bed. Christmas morning two little boys were happy as can be with the stockings that were filled and two RC crazy stunt skill cars. We had a brunch and both grandparents came over and the kids played and played until Carter asked for a nap. Christmas evening was spent with the Dennis family- a lovely dinner, bells, and zoom call to say hi to everyone. Jefferson lost his first tooth, but must have swallowed it or thrown it away because it was nowhere to be found. We had a Noon Years Eve party- countdown, lunch, games, and movie and Carter rocked out with his make shift guitar. What a full fun holiday season we had. Welcome 2022 and all the adventures that will come.