Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentines

I just love Valentines Day. Maybe because it is the holiday right before my birthday, maybe because I always associated it with candy and pink hearts but mostly I think because every year growing up my mom read us the story of St. Valentine and the first Valentine cards. News flash for many bitter Valentines Day haters, Valentines day was not started by Hallmark, Valentines day was not created for lovers. The first Valentines were given from children to a priest who was their friend. I look at Valentines Day as a day to do something kind for the people I care about in my life, and despite what Hallmark tells you, a homemade valentine is much more meaningful and appreciated. So this year I had a lovely Valentines week of making cookies for my coworkers, making homemade valentines, making Brad a special valentine, giving my counseling groups a valentine and treat, and having our parents over for dinner. Brad surprised me with a special date to Mazza- the Lebanese restaurant where we had our 2nd official date and where he first held my hand. Then he took me to our wards Sweetheart ball where I got to show off my electric slide and have chocolate covered strawberries. It was a perfect Valentines date.


Kiley said...

Fun! Valentines Day is wonderful, isn't it? Happy Valentines Day to you guys!

P.S. Happy Birthday so soon!

Hildegarde said...

You two are so cute! Glad to know both of you.

Marci said...

Mary...what a wonderful Valentines! I think homemade cards are the best too..and I love how your mom always told you the story of how Valentines Day started when you were growing up! I love your bangs (I don't think they were cut like that during Christmas break) and I think you and Brad make a wonderful couple! Love you Mary! I'm glad you had a good Valentines!

A said...

Aw, what a great Valentines week! I remember the Valentines FHE well. Sounds like you had a great Valentines! Hope your upcoming Birtthday is just as lovely.