Sunday, November 6, 2011

Foo Fighters, Witchfest, Costumes, & Donuts

October has been a fun month. It started out with the best concert we have ever been to- Foo Fighters! They played for 3 hours, every song we knew and more. Brad told me I'm the "coolest wife ever." I'm realizing now he says this whenever we go to a rock concert and I suppose it does reinforce the habit. We left with scratchy voices and a slight ringing in our ears-the good kind.

Mom, me and Angie put on our Witch attire and did a photo shoot and Witches Night Out

For Halloween we dressed up as Lucy & Charlie Brown. And the girls at work and I led the Halloween Parade as Beauty Queens- Miss Behave, Miss Take, Miss Hap, and Miss Alaneous

Halloween night we celebrated with Mom and Dad J making home made donuts and watching Hocus Pocus. It was our first time making home made donuts, they turned out great and were lots easier than anticipated. And we made them with Soy Milk so Brad could eat as much as he wanted. The only problem was they were do delicious we ate too much.


Marci said... fun! First off, I love the Lucy and Charlie Brown idea! How cute! And the beauty queen idea was very cleaver. I think you are great going with your husband to concerts...and those donuts look delicious! Oh, I almost look great dressed up as a witch for the witches festival! I went there too with my family! We weren't as cool as you though...we didn't dress up as witches!

Jen said...

I love the Charlie Brown and Lucy costumes! It's not Halloween without the Peanuts gang! I'm jealous you got to see Foo Fighters...they are AWESOME!