Sunday, November 2, 2014

October 2014

We finally feel settled in our home! We even bottled 23 quarts of apple pie filling- yum! Life has been fun and exciting with the U of U football games and Halloween festivities. For our first Halloween in our new home we put out a huge bowl of candy out with a sign "Trick or Treaters Welcome, Please take 1, Happy Haunting"  and went to a party. When we got home the bowl was knocked over with just a few pieces of candy remaining. So hopefully it worked:)  The most exciting moment of October was at the U of U vs. USC game, when in the last 15 seconds the U pulled off an amazing win. The entire stadium erupted and stormed the field. It was exciting. We have had so much fun tailgating and watching football with friends- yes,we are becoming "those" people.  For Halloween Brad's work did a costume contest and he dressed up as a cowboy and surprise didn't win with that "creative" costume. I dressed up with the girls at work and led the Halloween parade, this year we were fairy princesses, and we waved our fairy dust(ribbon) all around- the kids and parents loved it. We spent a good 4 hours trimming the hedges and cutting back perrenials for winter. Thankfully we don't have too much gardening to manage, and we are learning as we go. Hopefully we will get some pansies and tulip bulbs planted before it gets too cold.  It's now getting dark earlier and we have prepped our home for winter and are ready to stay cozy and comfortable for the upcoming holidays.


blair and maisy said...

Mmmm apple pie filling. You guys are amazing! I'm having Mary withdrawals-- It's been way too long!