Monday, July 11, 2016

June 2016

We have played hard this summer. Lots of swimming, museum outings, biking around the lake, and visiting with family and friends. And we are only half way through! We started June with our much anticipated first bike ride with Jefferson. He ended up loving it and we have biked around the lake many times since with him in his chariot. Daybreak surprised us once again with Thursday night food trucks right by the lake so our new summer tradition has been biking around the lake on Thursdays nights to get dinner and every now and then we stumble upon the car show. When we are around on Fridays and Saturdays we walk up for the outdoor concerts. Jefferson runs around and we chill enjoying the live music- often of the the classic rock variety. We are loving that all of this is a short bike ride or walk away from our house.

We started June with a home improvement project- hopefully our last for quite a while. We had our hardwood floor refinished and vacated to Provo. Jefferson had so much fun being spoiled by grandma and playing with grandpa. And we enjoyed our first hike of the season to Stuart Falls and ice cream at the BYU creamery. After a week staycationing in Provo we came home to a beautifully refinished floor. 

We bought a pass to Thanksgiving Point and that has kept Jefferson interested and busy each time we go. He loves to twist, turn, open, put, close, and explore everything and the air conditioned building is totally worth it.

We tackled a few more home projects and learned a few lessons doing so. We painted Jefferson's someday night stand stand and framed in our builders grade mirrors. The lesson learned= what looks easy on you tube ALWAYS takes longer for us and at sometime in the middle of the project we always think of bagging it. But when it is done we sigh relief. 

Jefferson and I had fun taking out Jane and the Dixie for their birthday lunches. 

We had our first boating adventure with the Hendricks and though Jefferson did not like being in the water. He sure liked driving the boat.

We went to a few fireworks shows and Jefferson loved them. He kept pointing up to the sky in awe and sure liked the para-shooters and airplanes flying over before.

And we had our first camping trip- a trial run in Josh and Mary's backyard. Jefferson did great! As soon as we put up the tent he was was laughing and running around. And at night after tossing and turning for a bit he slept like a baby. We went for another camping trip on the 3rd of July with Angie Ryan and Dixie. We had fish filet tin foil dinners, went for an exploring hike, perfected the smore, sang songs around the fire, played lots of games and Ryan made steak and eggs for our annual 4th of July breakfast.

Our Dennis family visited from CA and Jefferson got to meet and play with lots of cousins. We had a pre 4th of July bbq at our house and I made our traditional flag cake. We spent time with them at the Streetium of Fire, a picnic up the canyon, the provo rec center, and just playing games at Grandmas. At one point while we were picnicking Jefferson went around giving fist bumps to all of his cousins. He is the youngest on the Dennis side of the family by quite a lot but his teenage cousins just adore him.

Jefferson is 19 months and busy as ever! He has decided he detests nursery and has resorted to holding onto our legs when we try to leave. He's very independent but when we try to leave and he is not with his grandparents he cries and cries. Hopefully he will adjust soon. He sleeps through the night and eats most everything he is given. He's a little trooper. And after the 10th time being in a pool this summer he is starting to relax and even will float on his back. He is saying more and more words, cheese is still his favorite, and he expects a daily walk to the park. Whenever he says bye to someone he gives a hug which everyone just loves. He claps for himself when he does something right or good. He is a good little sharer and plays well with others. And of course he still answers to Goose, McMonkey, and Duke.