Monday, October 7, 2019

September 2019

This September we finished some big summer projects. First getting our pantry set up for winter. The boys loved driving through the case lot sale at Macey's and mama loved getting the pantry all organized. Jefferson and Carter came to a few meetings at the school while Brad worked on the flag stone patio. I'm pretty sure the words "maybe we should just move" came out a few times in the process of this huge project but little by little it got done. While Brad was working we had a play day with Connor and visited baby Alec. Jefferson and Connor play so well together. Everyone commented about how well behaved they were. Poor Carter felt a little left out because they blocked him off from the train set with the baby gate. We checked out the Fairytale festival for the first time this year and the boys loved the hero quest- especially fighting the dragon with their swords and then being crowned. We had some fun times at the park and then when the flagstone patio was finally completed we celebrated with a move the swingset-eat a smore party. Carter had his first smore and demanded "smore". Jefferson is moving along with his preschool work and is making huge progress with Spanish. He is saying full sentences and spontaneously speaking in Spanish here and there. He even requests his Spanish shows and music now. The Spanish shows also seem to be Carter's favorite, he gets so excited when we turn then on. We have also started a letter of the week we do with  Storytime at the Library and Jefferson is practicing writing the letter and finding the letter in our activities throughout the week. Carter is now walking all over back and forth every direction with his walker. He can't quite balance free standing yet but he is getting there. He is saying a few words regularly but seems to confuse "more" with "Mama!." Brad is looking forward to winter and no more yard work/projects for a season.