Wednesday, December 2, 2020

November 2020

This November we played in the leaves. Carter loved counting down and running and jumping in a big pile. And the boys were sweet little helpers. Mary found a new covid-child approved hobby with puzzling ("just a few puzzle pieces a day keeps the anxiety away"- research experiment in the works). Jefferson even helped with the sorting process and keeping it on the island keeps it safe from the 2 year old destroyer. We celebrated Jefferson's 6th birthday week with a racing tournament, birthday icecream, birthday pancakes, and a birthday book. We introduced football to the boys and they love it- probably more than soccer. Carter always has to have his own little football while we play or he gets jealous. All of November we participated in a gratitude challenge. Before dinner we all answered a gratitude prompt and wrote it in a journal. Mary made a gratitude jar and took a mindful moment each day to write something and give thanks and then read them all to the family on Thanksgiving. It was such a fun experience for our family and we plan to keep it as a regular November tradition. Gratitude truly does heal and bring joy. Thanksgiving was definitely different but we had a super fun time playing Amazing Race/Minute to Win It with our Jefferson family. The dinner event was small but sweet in our home and meant we had delicious left overs. Black Friday is Christmas Friday at our house and after some stressful decorating hours (Brad is just such a perfectionist- ha ha:) we merrily decorated the Christmas tree. Probably our last year with the 13 year old tree that is a sentimental symbol of falling in love and starting our life together. The boys were super excited to start playing with the train and nativity under the tree. We also started a tradition of going through our toys and giving some away before writing a letter to Santa. We discovered Jefferson is a sentimental hoarder and keeps everything people give him- even a little heart from Connor from a year ago. It took him awhile but Jefferson was finally able to fill a bag to give away and then happily wrote his first letter to Santa. Mama just helped with the spelling. So excited to begin this beautiful Christmas season. Our Jeffersonism this month was "Mama can you say that again because I put you on mute, sometimes you can put people on mute." And our Carterbug moments not to forget were when Carter wanted to be with mama during church and came up to the organ and pressed the harpsichord button... and when Carter started talking in a "special language" to his Goggy (stuffy monkey) and feeding him and saying "No" to him. Moments we don't want to forget.