Tuesday, April 6, 2021

March 2021

 We started off March with celebrating Dr. Seuss week- reading the books, making our hats, going fishing, and eating green eggs and ham. While getting ready for St. Patricks week we found out that Dad Dennis had a stroke. We were so grateful that he got the medical attention he needed right away and is now doing well back at home. Jefferson made him a giant rainbow with a pot of gold get well card and Carter demanded every marker to make his card for his beloved grandpa. We celebrated St. Patricks day by drawing our own leprechauns and playing "hide the gold". Jefferson made a leprechaun trap but didn't catch one this year and Mom and Dad Jefferson came over for a yummy dinner of corned beef and cabbage. We got ready for Easter by decorating our Easter tree and this year Carter joined in. We had fun with cousins decorating Easter eggs and puzzling. We reflected on this past crazy crazy year and celebrated by Brad getting his vaccine and Mary having a girls retreat in St. George. So grateful for all of our blessings this past year. Our favorite Carterism we keep hearing seems to reflect this.."I so happy"