Sunday, June 29, 2008

The zoo, hot dogs, and HUMIDITY!

These are our favorites from our trip to the national zoo. It's great, so much of the activities in DC. I liked the pandas, especially one of the baby pandas snacking on his bamboo, and Brad liked the kitty-cats the best, especially the tiger jumping in the water and playing with his ball. After the Zoo excursion we checked out a hip joint raved about in every tourist book called "Ben's Chilli Bowl" it seemed we were the only white people in that area of town. Different experience, very fun atmosphere, but the hot dogs didn't beat Provo's own J-Dawgs:) in my opinion. So after all this we should have called it good and headed back home on the Metro, but we wanted to check out the Smithsonian Folk Festival on the Mall so we ventured on and soon realized what people mean when they talk about DC humidity. All I can say is I never have been more jealous of girls in tanktops, short shorts, and pony tails in my life. After a crowded subway trip home, a no energy to do anything else nap, and basking in air conditioning I resolve to always wear my hear up in the city and that in regards to tourism- less is more.


Kiley said...

You're having so much fun! I'm kind of jealous!