Monday, April 19, 2010

Brad is to Basketball as mary is to

I don't know

As a side note, there are some perks to being a school psychologist- one of them being giving boring IQ tests week after week and in order to not fall asleep (yes that has happened) I take the test with the student. After years (literally) of exposure to various cognitive tests if I took one now I would probably come out genius range not due to spontaneous intellect but rather mastering the answers in advance. This being the case I am beginning to see life as a series of analogies. One of which being the title of this post.

Brad has many hobbies:

learning new languages
( yes at night when I open my novel he opens a Turkish dictionary!)


Political News Junkee
(world wide news in fact which leads to quite interesting dinner conversation as I, knowing I am right try to solve world wide problems from a social perspective and he from a political perspective)

His best friend the Guitar

mary loses interests in hobbies:




and yes I have tried cooking, crocheting, gardening, scrapbooking
boring boring boring!

What I do seem to like is planning, organizing, and crossing off something on my to do list. Can that be a hobby? I can just hear my mom saying "if you don't use it, you lose it" and yes my music skills and vocabulary have weakened since losing interest in my past hobbies, but you can't force interest. Maybe this spring/summer will be the quest for a new interest in past and possible hobbies.


Emmy Z. said...

I'm go through phases where I do something for a while, then lose interest. But it inevitably comes back (maybe even a few years later), so I hold on to my supplies or whatnot.

But I agree - checking things off a to-do list is definitely one of my never-ending hobbies.

Marci said...

Mary..I think I may have the same problem. By the way, I love the title of your post...I think you are hilarious! :) Well, I think I will be spening some time in Salt Lake over the summer, and we can discover hobbies together! I like to swim, run, hike, and go on picnics...what do you think? Sounds like a good idea to me! And I am like you...I like checking off to-do lists and organizing. Life just feels better when things are organized! Oh, and I want to learn more about food interested?

Jen said...

Oh my gosh, Mary! I know exactly how you feel! Billy has soccer, guitar, history crap, and I have...sometimes sewing, tv...and I don't really know! I swear I have hobby ADHD!