Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Kidney Ordeal

Brad has been cursed with a Kidney Stone!

The past couple days off and on his face looks like this...

(he picked out this pic)

Oh the pain! Those women who experience kidney stones and child birth say the pain of a kidney stone is about equal if not greater. So thus far in our married life Brad has come closer to the pain of child birth (sans epidural) than I. And after rushing him to the ER, hearing his moans and groans, expressions such as "run the light!", and witnessing his agony I don't know why but my excitement for child birth has faded. It's easy to laugh about it now when the pain has gone away, but poor Brad! I hate standing by just watching him suffer knowing all I can do is rub his back and make sure he has his pain killers. I hope this passes soon! I feel so blessed that I was calm at the time of crisis- it was my first time taking someone to the ER, and that our friends happened to mention to us about having a preferred hospital for your insurance. I hope this health care reform does something about that! Seriously doesn't it make sense that all hospitals accept your insurance. But thankfully we were keyed in about this stupid rule before the crisis. His doctor and nurses were great and the only grumpy person of the day was the pharmacist at the drug store. We are both so happy we were not out on some traveling adventure when this happened, and are grateful for all the support of our family.


Marci said...

Poor Brad! That's terrible! I hope that it passes soon, and he is back to normal. I hear kidney stones are horrible! It really makes you feel that much more grateful when you are in good health....I take it for granted all too often!

Kiley said...

I'm sorry, Brad!