Monday, January 17, 2011

Goodbye to our good Friends

The modern way to read a children's story book -on the ipod

Our good friends The Beus' will be leaving to have an adventure in Guam for the next 4 years. They visited us this past weekend to say Goodbye. Brad gave a mini concert, we watched a funny movie, I got to cuddle with two cute little boys, we made cookies and just had a good time. They left us an open invitation to visit them in Guam so maybe we will have another international adventure in the next 4 years. We will miss you guys! Take care!

Lane and Me

Palmer and me


Marci said...'s so sad when people move away. I'm glad you had a good "good bye" party though! :)
Those cookies look DELICIOUS! :)

Jen said...

How fun! Glad you guys got to get together! We need to get together again soon, too! :)