Sunday, October 7, 2018

September 2018

This September we did a joint blessing with Carter's cousin Liam.  They wore matching outfits (per Brad's request, haha, yeah right).  The grandmas were thrilled and loved it.  We have been spending a lot of time playing as a family and enjoying our little boys, harvesting peaches, making rockets with cousin Dixie, Oktoberfest, train rides, Rock N' Ribs as Utah fans, and dinners with lots of family and friends.  Carter is our GQ little bug at 3 months and can successfully roll over on occasion and is sleeping better through the night.  He loves to make faces with his brother and be cuddled lots and lots.  Brad got the first laugh out of Carter!  Jefferson started his first soccer team and we're so proud of our Goose/Duke kicking the ball and being on his first team, though quite humorous watching a beehive of kids run behind the ball.  Jefferson is the best big brother, sharing toys with Carter, checking on him when he is fussy, and sharing his high chair.  Brad was able to go see one of his favorite groups, Slash and the Conspirators featuring Myles Kennedy (youtube Slash Anastasia, it will blow your mind, evidence that rock and roll still lives and hope for music).  And Mary took Angie to an epic place, Chedda Burger, for her birthday lunch.  We had a fun September and are ready for cooler weather.

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