Sunday, April 2, 2023

March 2023


March brought us more snow days so we found activities inside to stay warm and enjoy this long winter. We went to the U of U's senior night for gymnastics and saw a perfect 10 on the beam- incredible. Mom and Dad Jefferson took us all to Disney on Ice, it was incredible to see triple axils in person- Carter's favorite was Lion King and Jefferson just liked hanging with his cousins. Jefferson had a fieldtrip to the zoo and Carter felt left out so he made his own zoo in his room. We celebrated Dr. Seuss week with green eggs and ham and played the rhyming game while eating dinner- the winner was "would you eat them on a horse? No but I will eat them with the force." We had another Lego club and lots of playdates and we went to a hockey game with friends. We celebrated pie day with 3/4 of a pie and the boys dressed up as dog man for literacy night at Jefferson's school. Carter graduated from the first level of swim lessons and is now jumping in fearlessly. We celebrated his huge achievement with his first time going to waffle love- and he is a fan! And we celebrated St. Patrick's day making green ricekrispie treats, Carter dancing like a leprechaun, and doing a leprechaun park scavenger hunt with friends. We spent spring break staycationing and doing our bucket list for winter- airborne, swimming, sledding, snow hiking, checking out The Pie, and museums with cousins and grandma J, and just relaxing. Maybe we will see spring in April- we are getting anxious for warmer weather.