Thursday, July 9, 2009

Top 10 Things that Must Go

Things that must Go ( in Istanbul)

1. Mosquitos
2. Heat + Humidity
3. Cars & Motorcycles-especially Taxis (yes all cars speed, take no notice of pedestrians. I have probably come close to being hit 3 times! I've never felt more like flipping a driver off more in my life- though I have not done it yet)
4. Litter
5. Smoking cigarettes in restaurants
6. Bartering & Haggling (list your price! and no separate prices for tourists just because you look foreign you automatically look like you have a lot of money to spend)
7. Lack of Variety in Feminine Hygeine Products
8. Cat Fights at night
9. Brad not asking for directions
10. The call to prayer or a hundred squaking birds waking you up at 4 am!


Kiley said...

My favorite is #9. Definitely. :)!