Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happiness is...

A Grateful Heart

It's that special time of year to remember family, friends, and all of the blessings we have. It's been a busy week for the Dennis's. So besides the usual family, friends, the gospel, and health which we are very grateful for, here are a few of this past weeks things to be grateful for.


1- Gianni (forgetting about confidentiality for a moment) has been placed in a Special Education Unit after 2 years of testing, interventions, and more. Though I will miss the child and his obsession with dinosaur sounds, I'm very happy to know that his whole life will now be different because of my work these past 2 years.

2- I have recently discovered pumpkin pie. I'm not sure why it took so many years to try it and like it, but I have and I do enjoy especially Ryan's classic recipe.

3- Only one more set of Parent Teacher Conferences this school year.

4- The Clam Chowder Discovery (see previous post)

5-Cheese Fries and Coke for the weeks of Parent Teacher Conferences

6- Relaxing with my favorite Jane Austen

7- Working out my voice like never before by singing the Messiah with our Community Choir

Brad: (written from his own hand)

1-That Mary is the one writing the blog (and not me)

2-Finding another Paul Krugman fan in my ward

3-Performing my new rendition of "Summertime" on the guitar for friends

4-Reading Paul Davidson's "The Keynes Solution"

5-That Mary is such a fan of Jane Austin (even being a female and all)

6-Smoked turkey for pre-Thanksgiving

7-Getting to number 7