Wednesday, July 2, 2008

a cookie, a friend, and a discovered treasure

Perhaps I'm different than most people, perhaps I am not, but my ideal summer moments occur with little effort. This morning I walked to town to pick up some bread at the one and only Great Harvest. I was given a free cookie because it was my first time coming in so I took my treat and found my favorite reading bench to sit down and enjoy it. There is something about a park bench that cries out "come and sit, come and read, come and talk, come and enjoy your surroundings." For this reason I sat and enjoyed my cookie and then started on my book. I enjoy this particular bench because it is in the middle of the town square- though quiet,there always seems to be some activity. After getting through a few pages in my book an older retired gentleman came and sat beside me. What started as a light "beautiful weather we are having" conversation turned into a 2 hour tell me your whole life story type of therapy session. I was fascinated with this man's life. I was able to educate him a bit about Mormon history because of course he wondered about the whole polygamy thing. I was amazed by his faith and especially his love for music. After years of inactivity in the Catholic Church he was drawn to church one day, was incredibly moved by the choir and ever since has been a choir member. He invited me to his next performance. I felt after saying goodbye to him I just made a good friend in town. On my way home as I was digesting this delicious conversation I found a little antique shop. My Grandma Jefferson has helped me enjoy these type of shops so I went in. I found a corner of old Time Magazines. I started digging through them and to my delight found one of the original Time Magazines 1969 "On the Moon." It was the same I had seen hanging in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. Priceless. Though small, these events are what summer tastes like to me...relaxation, friendship and simple appreciation.


Kiley said...

What a neat experience - to make a good friend like that! . . . and yeah for Great Harvest!

Marci said...

Mary- Your conversation with the older gentleman doesn't suprise me in the least! You just have this inviting glow around you that draws people in and makes them feel comfortable! It is a great quality to have! I'm glad you made a friend! :)