Monday, July 21, 2008

Tagged- All About The Boy

Cousin Kiley tagged me and so here goes, but some of these answers may be influenced by the fact we are still in our honeymoon stage of marriage.

1. What is his name? Brad

2. Who eats more? Definitely Brad- he is nearly twice my size

3. Who said, "I love you" first? Me!

4. Who is taller? Definitely Brad

5. Who is smarter? Hmm, I think Brad is smarter in general, but I am smarter with understanding people.

6. Who is more sensitive? Probably me, he tries to be a tough guy but sometimes can be really sensitive.

7. Who does the laundry? C'est moi

8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Brad

9. Who pays the bills? So far both of us, but I am the book keeper.

10. Who cooks more? C'est moi

11. Who is more stubborn? I don't know, I know we both are determined type of people but with eachother we seem quick to empathize and compromise.

12. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? I think its a tie

13. Who has more siblings? Brad-5 older siblings, he is the baby.

14. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Don't know again, I think we both have a leg in the pants.

15. What do you like to do together? Travels and adventures-new things, new places, new people, play games (especially scrabble), and working out

16. Who eats more sweets? c'est moi

17. Guilty Pleasures? Mine is decorating & shoes, Brad's is reading the news (in all kinds of languages) and Gingerale.

18. How did you meet? He moved back from Turkey and checked out his old singles ward (mine). We met at a linger longer- they work!

19. Who asked whom out first? Brad- it was quite surprising in this day and age of boys who don't date.

20. Who kissed who first? It is debatable:) But it was while we were making brownies.

21. Who proposed? Brad- we were playing a question game (I ask a question, then he does, ect.) and he got more of a serious look and asked me. I was completely shocked.

22. His best features and qualities? His smile, green eyes and build. He is always opening my mind to new things and inspiring me. He can be a kid and has a great sense of humor. He cares a lot about people all around the world and really wants to do his part to make the world a better place.

23. Tag you’re it. Who do you tag? The Shields, Jayne, and Rozzie


Kiley said...

Thanks for doing that - I loved reading it! I especially like your comment about who wears the pants in the relationship :).

Erica said...

Cute answers to your tag! And I liked the picture of you two in front of the D.C. temple from your previous post :o)

Jen said...

I'm assuming that we are the Shields' that you are tagging...yipee! I don't think I've ever done a tag before. This will be fun!